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Presentation of the 6th Issue of the Economic Monitor Georgia in Tbilisi

David Saha, Project Manager of the German Economic Team (GET) Georgia and Anne Mdinaradze, Analyst, presented the 6th issue of the Economic Monitor Georgia at the event “Current Economic Issues and Implications for Business: DCFTA, EU-Trade, Sectors, Taxes”, which took place on 21 May 2017 in Tbilisi and was organised in cooperation with the German Business Association (DWV). 

This was the first time that the publication was issued in English. It provides an overview over current macroeconomic trends in the country and informs in greater detail about selected topics relevant for advising the government. The current issue focuses on Georgia’s stable economic development in spite of a difficult external environment. Another important topic is the fiscal consolidation process after the elections in 2016, which allowed for the launch of an new IMF programme.

The presentation also dealt with the development of trade with the EU, ways of mobilising export potential in the agricultural sector, the current state of implementation of the free trade agreement with the EU (DCFTA) and international experience with the Estonian model of corporate taxation (taxation of distributed profits/dividends), which has been applied in Georgia since the beginning of the year). The ca. 30 participants were mainly representatives of German enterprises operating in Georgia, who were eager in using the opportunity to ask questions to the experts.


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